Optigram September 28, 2016

Wednesday night's meeting was billed as the annual installation meeting. And that's what it was. Indiana North District Governor, Julie Robison was on hand to perform the swearing in. Also present was her husband Rich Robison. We would, of course, enjoy dinner while visiting. Then the incoming officers would be sworn in. All of that took place as expected.


There was a surprise! Dr. Ralph Green got swooped up into the limelight that he generally seems to avoid. Ralph was genuinely surprised! The entire club had been surreptitiously planning over the past several months to recognize Ralph for all that he has done over the last 60 (you heard that right, Folks, 60) years of service to the club and the community. Ralph is an inspiration to each one of us. He has our respect, admiration and, affection.

Some of Ralph's contributions over the years are:

Ralph received a beautiful clock plaque that signifies his contribution to the Christmas Tree sales. We also unveiled a new banner for the tree sales lot that displays the new name of the lot, the Ralph Green Christmas Tree Lot. The lot will be re-dedicated in his honor at a ribbon-cutting ceremony on November 26th.

We celebrated with balloons, Champagne, and cake. Afterwards, outgoing prez Micheal read letters from Ralph's two sons who could not be present and one from another long time Noon Optimist and Ralph's good friend Homer Erickson. A visitor, Brent Clary read a poem that he had composed in honor of Ralph for this special occasion. We wrapped up the official meeting with the swearing in of new officers by Indiana North District Governor, Julie Robison.