Before the meeting began today we took a brief moment for an important matter of club business. Incoming president, Phil Wyss read the slate of new officers to be installed at next week's evening meeting. The membership then voted unanimously to accept the slate as it stands.
There were no visitors other than our speaker and no one spoke up claiming a recent or upcoming birthday.
Our secret greeter today was Phil Wyss. Phil awarded the coveted designation to Sue Bousquet.
Nick Schenkel announced that the winner of last week's contest was a tie between Michael Bucy and Phil Wyss. After a brief "You do it. No, you do it." Michael graciously acquiesced. He will present a contest in two weeks. There will be no contest next week at the installation dinner.
A new contest was presented by the Tudor Team. Dinah and Jim Tudor shared a contest presentation in two parts.
Drawing winners were Michael Bucy, Jim Oliver, and Ralph Green.
Our speaker was David Walker, principal at Oakland High School.
Oakland H. S. has some rather unique programs that set it apart from traditional schools. The program that most interested the club was the vegetable garden where the students grow some of the food served in the cafeteria. The discarded food is cast into a "worm pit" along with other biodegradable material to become compost for the garden.