No one confessed to having a birthday, so no song was sung.
The secret handshaker was Homer Erickson who picked Jan Ermel as best handshaker.
Chuck Hinkle announced that Michael Bucy was the winner of last week's contest. This weeks contest was given by Nick Schenkel.
Raffle winners were Larry Dunkle, Becky Chapman and Micheal Bucy.
PROGRAM: Kari Shepard, Volunteer Coordinator at St. Elizabeth Health, Jan Ermel
Kari Shepard is the Volunteer Coordinator at St. Elizabeth Health. She places volunteers at both Hospital campuses. Carrie is from Chicago and attended Purdue which brought her to Lafayette, then she went back to Chicago and was working in HR and even worked in Bermuda for a stint. She came back to Indiana and her family. Purdue brought her home.
St. E is part of the Franciscan Alliance group of hospitals. Volunteers have been a part of the program since the early 1900s. There are approximately 200 volunteers at most times, who Carrie coordinates in 40 different hospital departments. The gift shop is run totally by volunteers. The attempt is to be open 9:00-4:30 each day, with some evenings, when possible. (If there are volunteers) The gift shop is their largest fund raiser so shop there to help even if you can't volunteer!
All money goes to the Auxiliary, which is the coordinating arm for fundraising. The Gift shop and Guest services are the 2 biggest needs for Volunteers. Nursing students can, and do, volunteer to build their resumes.
Volunteers are harder to find these days in the Retiree set as they are actually working longer and later in life. 3-4 hours a week at least is asked of each volunteer and they do receive training in an area of their preference and appropriateness, whenever possible.
Kari reached out for volunteers and assured that it is a positive experience, with a flexible schedule, free uniform, and complimentary meal in the hospital cafeteria for every shift worked.
There is a wide Range of responsibilities for volunteers, from working in the gift shop, to answering questions, to light patient care, which really helps the nurses' efficiency.
The Auxiliary is the main fund raising arm of St. E and is $12/year to support for those unable to volunteer but would still enjoy helping the hospital.